Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Feeling like daisy cow with extra udders

Here are pix of the drains. Every morning I have to call in the fluid collected in the past 24 hrs. I was so hoping today was the day to have these things taken out, but Patty said "not yet, call in tomorrow". Ugh. they so don't feel great and tube #1 likes to leak down my side making a mess of my clothing. Wardrobe changes...GEESH!


  1. Those are no fun. The stitches hurt the most! Hang in there, it will be out before you know it! Love ya! XOXOX Jen

  2. Oh Wend...I'm so sorry. The tubes and drains were the worst part of my lung surgery last summer. Mine were hooked up to some huge machine that sucked it out periodically and if I wanted to get up someone had to be there to push it basically I lived in the hosp bed with a cathiter for 6 days until they came out. I feel your pain in that regard. Just when you think you can't go another day with've done it. Just keep up your fun, sweet spirit and this too shall pass. Lots of love-Alicia


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