Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Huntington Beach ROCKS!!!

We ran away to sunny southern California, Huntington Beach to be most specific. Had to put cancer on timeout and just leave it behind. We went to the HB US Hurley surf competition and it was a perfect day of sun, sand and surf. I found myself sporting a GI hat, bedazzled of course, to protect the bald head.

So far nausea and just a touch of fatigue have followed me here. I am doing much better today which is awesome. Tomorrow...its a grand day with a visit to Disneyland...my favorite California place to be.

I miss it here.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, you suck!;-) Disneyland is one of my very most fav places on the Earth and I'm jealous! Have fun and say hi to Tink for me. Also, soak up a little Vitamin A for me and bring it back. I know we have sunshine here, but there is NOTHING like salty, beach sunshine. Enjoy and tell Dan and the boys hi and that we love you all. Be safe!


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